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Outplacement Options

Clients may select from the following service categories, according to their individual preference, budget and timescale :

Career Review

We evaluate the job market, take stock and consider future work otions, needs and priorities, taking into consideration work and life balance - helping clients come to terms with job loss.

Working together, we help clients develop a clearer understanding of their priorities and career options

We formulate an action plan - setting realistic goals and the next steps to take - a process which facilitates positive, enthusiastic thinking


Myers Brigg psychometric tests offersa way of gaining a deeper, objective  insight into your character and personaltiy  - an aid to understanding your 'best fit' in the market place and most suitable work environment

Social Media / Personal Branding

Target worldwide job / career opportunities.  Work with the author of one of LinkedIn's Top 1% Most Viewed Profiles to set up and/or develop a keyword rich, job targeted, perfect LinkedIn Profile that will ..

Strengthen your brand. Get you noticed! Get you hired!


CVs Resmes and application letters are the channel through which a job seeker communicates with potential employers. We provide expert practical help with writing informative, interesting, relevant CVs Resumes and cover letters. 

We leverage strengths and neutralise weaknesses - focusing on qualifications, areas of expertise, skill, experience and, importantly, achievements

We also help with completing the trickier parts of application forms and Personal Statements. The Testimonials substantiate this claim 

Internet The internet has revolutionised all spheres of our lives, especially in the employment and job searching market

We provide IT training to help those clients unfamiliar with navigating the recruitment sites on the web.  We also assist in uploading and registering CVs - facilitating access to scores of up-to-date job opportunities

Job search

Job searching is arguably the most essential ingredient to success.  We help clients with self marketing, understanding the value of networking and the most effective way to respond to advertised vacancies

We also advise on using recruitment consultants, and on making speculative approaches to organisations they are interested in joining

Interview Coaching

So you have the call, but that is just the first step.  The 'personal interview' has yet to follow

To ease this critical stage, we provide one-to-one, group, telephone and e-mail based sessions

The interview coaching sessions are designed to stimulate and increase awareness of the skills and methods required to influence decision-makers

We also help you to respond fluently and positively to those awkward questions.  We cover competency-based questions, and ensure you create an excellent first impression - you seldom get a second chance

To learn more about our 

Individual and Group Programmes >>>



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