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Free Resume Tips


Need help to communicate your strengths?

We understand just how important your next career move is and  recognise the difficulties people experience in writing a compelling Resume.

While there is no single route to success when writing your Resume, the following advice sets out some of the key issues which will ensure you present a document with a difference!


Design a professional document that is pleasing to the eye:

  • Keep the design simple and sleek - use one type style and font size
  • Ensure plenty of white space
  • Avoid boxes, diagrams and underscoring - the text should flow in a smooth, calm, uninterrupted style
  • Save emboldening for 'Main achievements' to draw the reader's attention to your successes

Reader's Needs - A Recruiter's Perspective

Understand readers´ needs and motivations:

  • Time is short so write explicitly, yet succinctly
  • On-line Resume submissions are searched by key-words; include words and phrases relevant to your skills, experience and industry
  • Place achievements in context - they will be more credible and will aid understanding



Should you include a profile?

  • A well written, factual Profile is useful to position you in the job market and to summarise your area of expertise, skills and aim.
  • Write factually - avoid self-congratulatory adjectives such as 'dynamic, highly motivated', `enthusiastic´etc - recruiters have heard them all!

Is it better to commence with education or experience?

  • Choose and position your words strategically - commence with your strongest points as they match market demand.
  • If the lack of a qualification is a handicap, redress the balance by commencing with your experience
  • If the lack of experience is a handicap, redress the balance by commencing with academic achievements

Inconsistent employment history?

  • Focus on where you have added value and made a difference in different sectors and minimise dates

Do you outline your job duties?

  • Job descriptions can be boring! Better to direct the reader's attention to the skills you use and then clearly define your initiatives - what you did, how you did it and the positive result
  • Don't include meaningless detail that smothers important facts
If you have a problem writing your CV Resume and need help, send your Resume for a free appraisal, or get started today - visit the Order / Feescale

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