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Jobs versus Careers -  Why Look for a Career?

For many looking for a job, it's sometimes a struggle between finding a role you can do easily for a steady pay, or the risk of holding out for the role you really want in the career field you're aiming towards.

It's a frustrating experience, especially when finances are low - so what's the best solution?

In an ideal world, we'd be able to find a job in our preferred sector quickly and easily. Unfortunately however, that's not the case - many industries are oversubscribed with applicants, meaning that getting your foot on the ladder can become a daunting task.

Our advice would be to find yourself a job first that will pay the bills, so that you at least have a steady income while you work towards a more rewarding career path. The danger here is the risk of demotivation - if you don't particularly enjoy the job you have, you may well resent spending most of your spare time job hunting. It's a vicious cycle, but there is a way to break it - take a look at our tips for finding work in your chosen field without getting demotivated.

Work in your spare time

That might not sound like the most glamorous option, but realistically it's important to keep yourself and your abilities fresh. It gives you the chance to work on projects you actually care about and enjoy, and will remind you what it is you're aiming for. You'll also be able to use this to build up a portfolio, as it always impresses potential employers when it's obvious that you're invested in the role.

Research online

Take a look online and start thinking outside the box to find opportunities that other job-seekers might not have thought of. Rather than sticking to recruitment sites or news bulletin boards, research the companies in your area which work in your preferred field, and approach them directly. Many companies only hire through their own website - kitchen designers Wren even have a dedicated careers page, which is the kind of thing you want to look out for to show you've put the legwork in while searching for a position.

Stay positive

It's easier said than done, but it's worth remembering the benefits of working in a role you love rather than just sticking to jobs that pay enough to keep you afloat. You'll develop your skills and learn more about your chosen industry, and get a chance to work for a variety of clients and customers. We spend half of our waking hours at work - it's worth working towards a career goal to ensure that time is spent well!


This article is produced by Helga Edge MBA in collaboration with Wren Kitchens

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